Wednesday, October 15, 2008


FACE LIFT/rhytidectomy

Face lift or rhytidectomy is a surgical procedure used to lift facial tissue and make the skin look as it was before time had its effect on it. If you feel young and lively, but your mirror no longer shows you that image, a face lift may be of great help to you.

What does face lift surgery do?

It tightens the skin and lax (hypotonic) muscles of the face. It helps improve the youthful appearance of mature people (about 40 years old) that have not aged yet and that wish to delay the aging process for personal or professional reasons. It rejuvenates the face of older people.

The rejuvenating effect will be more impressive if the aging marks such as wrinkles and hanging skin are more pronounced. It is divided in two areas: a) Upper or temporal lift (also known as mini-face lift or lateral brow lift): it illuminates and refreshes the look and can be performed as a single procedure in young people who do not need to have their cheeks rejuvenated. b) Mid lift: used to correct the cheeks. Performed together with eye lift surgery (blepharoplasty), neck lift surgery, and brow lift surgery, it completely rejuvenates the face and neck.

What does face lift surgery NOT do?

It does not eliminate crow’s feet nor wrinkles around the lips, since these wrinkles do not appear as a result of the aging process, but due to repeated muscle contraction. It does not produce any changes in the area above the eyes. In order to do that, forehead or brow lift surgery will be necessary.

To learn more about it visit

Anderson da Silva

1 comment:

kino said...

Wow great Job> this blog has been of great help to my wife and I, thanks again.
very good info