Brazilian Butt Lift… All you need to know about it and more!
Before you decide to have a Brazilian Butt lift we would like to make available to you the most 100 FAQ”s (frequently asked questions) concerning Brazilian butt augmentation, Buttocks Augmentation, Buttock implants, fat grafting, fat injections, fat transfer, Buttock Liposuction and more… WE HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS PRECIOUS RESOURCE. At the end of this list we also provide a comparative price list for all cosmetic surgery procedures as well as reputable places we recommend for all your cosmetic and plastic surgery needs.
So let us begin! Why is everybody talking about the Brazilian butt lift? It seems that many women want to have a “J-lo butt”… Well if that is your wish here you will find all the information necessary to make an intelligent decision.
A Brazilian butt lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure that uses liposuction to harvest fat from your arms, legs, back and/or abdomen. The fat is then injected into your buttocks with a series of injections to create a shapelier and rounded butt.
Before you decide to have a Brazilian Butt lift we would like to make available to you the most 100 FAQ”s (frequently asked questions) concerning Brazilian butt augmentation, Buttocks Augmentation, Buttock implants, fat grafting, fat injections, fat transfer, Buttock Liposuction and more… WE HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS PRECIOUS RESOURCE. At the end of this list we also provide a comparative price list for all cosmetic surgery procedures as well as reputable places we recommend for all your cosmetic and plastic surgery needs.
So let us begin! Why is everybody talking about the Brazilian butt lift? It seems that many women want to have a “J-lo butt”… Well if that is your wish here you will find all the information necessary to make an intelligent decision.
A Brazilian butt lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure that uses liposuction to harvest fat from your arms, legs, back and/or abdomen. The fat is then injected into your buttocks with a series of injections to create a shapelier and rounded butt.
I am considering having a cosmetic surgery procedure. Where do I begin?
Those considering Brazilian butt lift, fat injections, liposuctions, buttock implants and others should first find a qualified cosmetic surgeon to perform the procedure. There are many surgeons to choose from. At we present the best qualified and certified surgeons available in Colombia, which is a country well known and reputable on cosmetic surgery.
The quickest and most effective way to find out if you are a candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift Augmentation is by filling out our Request A Free Quote Our team of doctors will response in most cases within 24 hours.
Q-1 What is a Brazilian Butt Lift?
A- The Brazilian butt lift is a type of butt augmentation procedure which results in a youthful, prominent, perky buttocks and a more sensual body profile. People of all ages are having the buttock lift also known as fat grafting to the buttocks.
Q-2 How is the Brazilian butt lift augmentation perform?
A- A board certified plastic surgeon removes fat from selected areas of your body, purifies the fat and then re-injects selected donor fat cells into your buttocks. The procedure is designed to fill the upper quadrant of the buttocks so that the butt appears lifted and perky. The resulting effect is that the woman appears more attractive and sensuous.
The buttock is first contoured by performing liposuction in the areas around the buttocks to make the gluteus area stand out more. Common areas liposuctioned include the lower back - directly above the butt - the stomach, and the thighs. Note that in many cases the liposuction of just the rear thighs, lower back and flanks will give the gluteus area a more rounded, prominent and attractive look.
The fat suctioned from these areas is carefully processed and purified such that only a fraction of the donor fat removed will qualify for re-injection to the buttocks. After liposuction, the board certified plastic surgeon carefully purifies the fat so that only the best donor fat cells are re-injected back into your buttocks for augmentation. The fat is placed or transferred to the buttocks with special cannulas.
Q-3 What are the advantages of using your own fat?
A- No implants needed (no foreign body), Low rate of infection, Improved contour to the areas where the fat was harvested from; Minimal incisions required.
Q-4 Brazilian butt lift - How is this different from a regular butt lift?
A- Yes, Brazilian butt lift is different in the way the procedure is performed. There are several ways to improve the appearance of the buttock and gluteal regions. In the past, surgeons have used butt implants (regular butt lift), which are solid firm silicone pieces. These implants carried the risk of extrusion (coming out of the incision), infection, and displacement. Also, depending on how they were inserted, they could affect the muscles of the butt, as well.
Q-5 What type of women are most likely to benefit from Brazilian butt lift?
A- Brazilian Butt is a procedure that provides great results for all types of women and men, but those whose waist is narrower with prominent hips seem to get better results.
Q-6 If I am more concerned with increasing the size of my buttocks, can I have butt implants instead?
A- There are two different ways to enlarge your buttocks:
1) Brazilian Butt Lift: Fat injections or fat transfer to the buttocks 2) Butt Implants: Insertion of silicone implants
It is recommended butt implants over the Brazilian butt lift ONLY IF you are really tiny and have no body fat stored in your abdomen. If you have enough donor fat, most surgeons prefer to augment the butt using fat injections-the Brazilian butt lift. They believe that this method results in the most natural and sensual look for the buttock area. Doctors usually recommend butt implants when the patient is very tiny with no fat in your stomach or flank area. The fat transfer method has a lower risk of infection compared to the butt implant procedure.
An additional benefit of this fat injection method is that you not only get a more shapely buttock, but the area liposuctioned is now much leaner, giving your profile a more sensuous look. Most surgeons prefer the Brazilian butt lift, as the combination of liposuction and fat injections produces the most attractive and natural profile.
Q-7 Besides giving a big Butt what else is there to know about the Brazilian butt lift or Brazilian butt augmentation?
A- The Brazilian butt lifts have come to stay and it is not only about big butts. It continues to amaze doctors and patients how good this procedure is. It is perfectly suited to how the body handles fat, and the different components of the procedure enhance each other. Although the procedure is called Brazilian Butt Lift, what makes it great is the way the love handles are reshaped and create a nice curve between the butt and the waist.
The most important thing in this procedure is not to get the “biggest butt”, but to create the best looking waist-hips-butt area. When patients bring in pictures of what they want to look like, invariably the models shown have small waists and a curvy transition between the lower back and butt.
The butt doesn’t have to be that large as long as that transition area has a nice looking curve. As a matter of fact, we have several patients from years past who look like they had a butt augmentation when all they had was liposuction to the flanks and thighs. The increased contrast between the lower back and the buttock itself, as well as the curvy transition between them, enhance the appearance of the buttock. If you then augment the buttock with fat taken from the love handles area, the results can be spectacular.
Q-8 How is the fat injected into the buttocks?
A- The buttock is first contoured by performing liposuction in the areas around the buttocks to make them stand out more. Common areas liposuctioned include the back- directly above the butt, the stomach, and the thighs. Note that even the liposuction alone will give your lower body a more attractive look.
The fat suctioned from these areas is carefully processed and purified such that only a fraction of the donor fat removed will qualify for re-injection to the buttocks. In order to get enough qualified fat, surgeons must liposuction at least 2 areas of the body. After liposuction, doctors carefully purify the fat so that only the best donor fat cells are re-injected back into your buttocks for augmentation. The fat is placed or transferred to the buttocks with special cannulas.
Doctors inject small amounts of purified fat into different areas of the buttocks and at various depths so that the patient will get the highest permanent absorption rate. Thus, the procedure usually involves ‘hundreds’ of micro fat injections. Correct injection methods are essential to achieve a uniform, smooth, natural appearance to the buttocks.
Q- 9 Who is a candidate for Brazilian Butt Lift?
A- Men and women who have experienced a loss of skin elasticity of the buttock areas,
want more prominent buttocks, a more sensual body profile or are self-conscious about their lower body appearance.
Q-10 How do I know if I am a candidate for butt augmentation through fat transfer?
A- Usually, if a patient is overweight or wears an eight to 12 dress size, she is probably best suited for transfer and perhaps some liposuction. Thin patients who wear size two to four dresses are usually not good candidates for fat transfer because they do not have any fat to spare
Q-11 Can I combine the Brazilian butt lift along with any other surgeries?
A- Yes, you can, Tummy tucks, breast lift, breast augmentation, Rhinoplasty, full body liposculture, thigh lift, arm lift and eyelid surgery are some of the many cosmetic surgical procedures you can combine with Brazilian Butt Lift. See combinations.
Remember the risks inherent in any surgery. You may experience tightness (a welcome change) and discomfort, especially if you have multiple procedures. Recovery time will probably be longer than the normal two to three weeks you spend recuperating after buttock augmentation. However, you may decide the risk is worth having the smooth and sexy backside you see on the beaches in Rio.
Q-12 What does buttocks augmentation with fat grafting (Brazilian butt lift) do?
It permanently increases the volume of the buttocks. Fat injections last longer on the buttocks than in any other area of the body, since adipose cells have a tendency to accumulate on the buttocks.
It molds your body. The buttocks will be enhanced not only because of the increase in volume, but also because they will be more balanced with the nearby areas from which the fat that will be injected on the buttocks will be removed.
Q-13 What does buttocks augmentation with cohesive silicone gel implants do?
It permanently increases the volume of the buttocks. If your body does not accumulate fat or you keep in shape with exercise and a healthy lifestyle, the only way of increasing the size of your buttocks will be to resort to silicone implants, since there will not be enough fat in other areas of your body to transfer to the buttocks.
It improves the outline of the buttocks. The effect is enhanced when combined with liposuction of nearby areas such as thighs and waist.
It balances the bodies of body builders whose buttocks cannot be developed as much as the muscles of the rest of their bodies.
Q-14 How does the surgery procedure differs? Buttock augmentation with fat grafting Vs. buttocks augmentation with cohesive silicone gel implants?
A- A)Microfat Grafting a.k.a Brazilian butt lift By means of a cannula that is thinner than the ones used for conventional liposculpture, the surgeon removes the fat from certain areas of the body, such as the lower back, abdomen, waist and hips. He then purifies the fat collected and injects it on the buttocks drop by drop, very close to the blood vessels to be sure that the injected fat will have adequate blood supply.
B) Silicone implants The surgeon makes a small incision of 2 or 3 inches (5 cm or 7 cm) between the buttocks, right inside the midline. Through this incision, the doctor makes a pocket inside each buttock and places the cohesive silicone gel implants inside each one of them. There are two possible locations for the implants; the location will be decided according to each patien’s needs.
· Submuscular: If you need to enhance the upper part of the buttocks and the lower part has a good volume (this is what most frequently happens), the implants will be located beneath the buttock muscle (gluteus maximums) approximately where jean pockets would be.
· Subfascial: If you need to enhance the lower part of the buttocks and the upper part has a good volume, the implants will be located between the buttock muscle and its fascia (fascia or aponeurosis is the tissue that covers the muscle).
Q-15 What about Anesthesia for this type of procedure?
A- Anesthesia may be local, epidural, or general, it will depend on what you and your surgeon decides is best for you.
Q-16 Will buttocks augmentation surgery help me with my sagging skin problem?
A- Buttock augmentation surgery does not lift sagging skin. If your problem is the excess skin, we recommend that you read below the section devoted to buttock lift surgery.
Q-17 What about the results for Brazilian butt lift (fat grafting)? Will it last?
A- Usually, buttocks augmentation with fat grafting produces permanent and satisfactory results. You may be praised and criticized, but the most important thing is to feel satisfied with your own body, to be able to wear the clothes you like, in whatever way you may want to wear them, and to like what you see when you look at yourself in the mirror. That is the goal of surgery. If it can be achieved, as it happens in most cases, we may talk about success.
Q-18 How long do the fat injections last?
A- If the donor fat is properly harvested and processed, a large percentage of fat cells will survive the crucial period until they receive blood supply. Once this happens these fat cells remain for the patient’s lifetime. At about a month after surgery, the improvement you see will be long term.
Q-19 the liposuction techniques used in this procedure different than regular liposuction?
A- Yes, the fat is harvested using specialized liposuction techniques called Lipo-Selection. A low pressure aspiration system is used to minimize damage to fat cells as they are being extracted. Regular liposuction traumatizes fat cells too much. Only the correct type of liposuction will yield fat cells that will result in a permanent lifetime result.
Q-20 Let me make sure about this: Is Brazilian butt lift the same as fat grafting or fat transfer?
A- Yes. Brazilian butt lift is Fat injections or fat grafting/transfer as it’s sometimes known. It takes fat from the lower back, the hips or the “love handles.” Once the fat is prepared, fat cells are injected into the peaks of the buttocks, muscle layer by muscle layer, where it will thrive with a good blood supply.
Q-21 Are there advantages of one method of butt augmentation over the other?
A- Yes, the Brazilian butt lift has advantages over Buttock Implants. The combination of liposuction and fat injection results in the most natural and sensual body profile.
Q-22 Is the Brazilian butt lift procedure safe?
A- The Brazilian butt lift is a well tolerated procedure. It is no more risky than liposuction, which is the most common plastic surgical procedure.
Q-23 How popular is the Brazilian butt lift procedure?
A- According to the ASPS (American Society of Plastic Surgeons), the butt lift procedure is the fastest growing cosmetic procedure, as the number of butt lifts performed grew by 49% in 2008, compared to 2007.
Q-24 If I don’t have enough donor fat are there any other surgical options to enhance my buttocks?
A- Some small thin women do not have enough fat on their body in order to perform the Brazilian butt lift procedure. Thus, if a woman does not have enough donor fat, the other option would be butt augmentation with silicon implants. For butt implants, a small incision is made in the crack between the buttock cheeks. The butt implants are then carefully placed in the tissues of the buttock avoiding the areas where important nerves lie. When the incision heals it is difficult to detect. The result is a round and prominent butt.
Insertion of the implants will fill out the upper and outer parts of the buttock. It is more difficult to fill out the lower part of the buttocks. The implants cannot be placed in this region because of the risk of nerve damage. To fill out the lower part of the buttocks, fat injection is used. Sometimes both techniques can be used.
Q- 25 How long does it take for a Brazilian butt lift recovery?
A- Most patients say that there is very little overall discomfort, which is easily handled by painkillers. Patients are able to sit shortly (10 days) after buttock augmentation surgery and typically return to work within a week. You will need to wear a compression garment (girdle) for up to 2 months and you can resume regular exercise after 20 days. Postoperative massage and ultrasound treatments can alleviate the minor pain and help you recover faster. Your results will be evident after 6-8 weeks.
Q-26 For this kind of procedures (buttock augmentation by fat grafting or silicone implant ) do I have to stay in the hospital?
A- No hospitalization is needed; both procedures are done on an outpatient basis. You will be able to leave 4 or 6 hours after the surgery.
Q-27 When can I go back to work after the Brazilian butt lift procedure?
A- Following the butt augmentation procedure, you must not sit directly on your buttocks for 10 days. Most people can return to work in 2 weeks, provided you do only a minimum amount of sitting. You must wear a special garment (to control swelling) for two months. There may be a small amount of swelling for up to 6 weeks. However, you should be able to resume all normal activities at 2 weeks post op.
Q-28 What is the recovery period like?
A- It is critical that you review post-procedure care with your doctor. Following his/her instructions carefully will help ensure you have a speedy, healthy recovery. Also keep in mind that:
Rest is important to the healing process, so do it as much as possible following your procedure. Drink plenty of fluids, and be sure to take the doctor’s prescribed medications.
Most likely, you will be able to resume calm, quiet work within two weeks following butt implants surgery. You should still avoid physical exertion for several weeks, depending on the advice of your doctor.
The stitches will come out within a week to ten days, but swelling may continue, gradually subsiding over several weeks. As the swelling subsides, the results will become more apparent.
You will probably be able to resume exercise and normal physical activities within a month or two, when the soreness has subsided. Recovery varies from patient to patient and depends upon the technique, type of implant, and site of placement that the doctor uses, as well as the level of activities in your daily routine. Ask your doctor for more specific information.
Q- 29 How can I sleep after the buttock implant or the Brazilian butt lift procedure?
A- For the first two weeks you should sleep on your stomach and not on your back. During this time you should avoid putting direct pressure on your buttock. If you have to sit, use a very soft cushion. From week three until six you should also sit on cushions when sitting for prolonged periods.
Q- 30 Will I experience any nauseas during the buttock implant recovery process?
A- Yes, it may occur. Make sure that you have all your medications, cold drinks, and towels at your bedside. Most people are nauseated during the first 24-48 hours. Take a nausea pill one hour before taking your pain pills or antibiotics. While it is good to drink plenty of liquids, refrain from drinking plain water or acidic fruit juices as they will make you more nauseated.
Q-31 Will I experience any numbness in the surgical areas?
A- Yes. All surgical areas may stay numb for four to eight weeks and in some rare cases up to 6 months. Lymphatic Massages will help to desensitize your skin in order to avoid hypersensitivity or skin irritation.
Q-32 After the buttock implant procedure is done is it normal some blood to drip from the incisions?
A- Do not be alarmed when blood-tinged tumescent fluid oozes from the sites of fat harvest or liposuction. This is a normal result of liposuction and usually stops during the second week. The plastic surgeon leaves these tiny incisions exposed so that the liquid spills out, thereby minimizing bruising. You should cover your bed to avoid staining from this fluid. There should not be any drainage from the incision where the implant has been placed. If this happens, please inform your doctor.
Q-33 What about swelling? Should I expect any?
A- Yes. There will be some swelling and some minimal bruising which dissipates five to eight weeks following surgery.
Q-34 Am I going to wear any special garment after the butt implant or fat injection procedures?
A- Yes. Following liposuction, fat injection, or implant placement, you are placed in a support garment (girgle). Do not remove this until your doctor instructs you to do so. Support garments should be worn 24 hours a day for two months, and then during the daytime for the next three weeks. This will help to reduce swelling, and to help shrink the skin, and to shape the buttock area.
Q-35 Will I be allowed to remove the garments for showering after surgery?
A- Usually the patient removes their garment and takes a shower after the second day.
Q-36 When I take shower what should I do? Can I use some moisturizing lotion in the wounded areas?
A- The first time that you remove your garment you will feel like you are going to faint. This is normal. Have someone with you at that time. After your first shower you need to apply Vaseline or heavy lotion all over liposuctioned areas and the buttock skin to elevate the itchiness that is caused by the skin-drying effects of liposuction. This is a good time for you to start massaging the fat injection areas. You should massage these areas softly about three times a day for about six weeks. Sometimes, patients whose skin was not firm and elastic will experience dimpling of the skin. This can be eliminated or minimized by massaging and early exercise. If you have implants don’t get the incision wet until instructed by your surgeon.
Q-37 What are others general care that I should learn on recovery?
A- The most important way that a person can contribute to having a great result is by being meticulous about conducting massage.
You need to meticulously clean your buttock implant incision in the shower and then after with alcohol after each bowl movement, or at least once daily for the first two weeks after surgery.
Patients will also feel a bruise-like or muscle cramp-like pain, particularly in the areas where fat was removed, and which will be addressed through a prescription from your surgeon.
Antibiotics are prescribed to reduce the risk of infection.
It is good to ambulate after surgery in order to prevent stagnation of blood in your legs and to reduce the chance of developing blood clots.
Q-38 When Can I Resume Work and Exercise after having a Brazilian butt lift or buttocks implants?
A- Most patients can resume normal activities within two weeks after buttock implant placement, or within one week after fat grafting. After this time you can start gentle walking but must refrain from jogging or doing heavy physical activity or exercising until six weeks after surgery. You can do upper body exercising after three weeks. Most patients return to work within a week after fat grafting and after two weeks from buttock implant placement.
Q-39 How Painful Is Buttock Augmentation?
A- Usually, fat injection is much less painful that buttock augmentation with implants. Fat injection feels mostly like a bad bruise while implant placement feels like a bad muscle cramp. These pains are manageable with prescribed medication.
Q-40 When Can I Resume Sexual Relations?
A- Fat Injection does not hinder your ability to have sexual relations. However, you should resume sexual activity only as you feel comfortable in doing so. The desire to resume having sex varies from patient to patient. On the other hand, with buttock implant placement you should avoid having any strenuous sex for about six weeks after surgery.
Q-41 When will I be able to resume my usual activities around and outside the house?
A- Most patients are fit to resume every operation in the day-to-day lives after two weeks.
Q-42 Who Are The Best Candidates for Buttock Implants?
A- The buttocks region has proven to be an area of struggle for many people. It is not easily enlarged or shaped by weight training and diet. If enlargement of the buttock is ones goal, there are a variety of different size and shape buttock implants from which to choose. The decision for the shape and size of the buttock implants is made depending on each person’s individual desires and on their general body build. In general, the best candidates for buttock augmentation are:
18 years of age or older
In good physical health
Psychologically stable
Wanting to improve their appearance
Realistic in their expectations
Having this surgery for the first time
The above is only a partial list of the criteria that your surgeon will consider in determining whether or not this procedure is appropriate for you. Be sure to ask your surgeon if he/she considers you an ideal candidate for buttock implants.
Q-43 How is the procedure and recovery time for buttock implants?
A- Buttock implants are made of silicone as are breast implants, but they differ in consistency. Breast implants are soft and fluid filled, while the buttock implants are soft but made of a solid silicone. Under general anesthesia, the silicone implants are placed into each buttock area through a single incision overlying the tailbone. The buttock implants are positioned to look as natural as possible for the optimal cosmetic effect.
With the patient asleep under general anesthesia, a two to three inch incision is made between the buttocks in the midline. Through this incision the buttock muscle, or gluteus maximus, is lifted up and a pocket is made just large enough for the implant. The buttock implant is inserted into its pocket. The opposite side is then completed. Both sides are carefully examined in order to assure that the results look natural and symmetric. Dissolvable stitches are used to close the incision. A compression bandage is placed around the buttocks to help reduce discomfort and swelling. The taped dressing that is applied during surgery to provide compression and support is usually removed three to four days following surgery. At this time the patient can take showers and begin to move around more normally. The results can be seen immediately but the buttocks look more natural and become softer as the muscle stretches during the several months after surgery.
Q-44 What can I expect from buttock implants?
A- There is generally very little swelling and bruising after buttock augmentation so the results may be seen very soon after surgery. Unfortunately since this is an area of the body that is required for walking, sitting, and many other movements, patients might experience greater pain during the recovery period than other common cosmetic surgery procedures and the recovery time is usually longer. Pain medications typically are prescribed to help with the discomfort, but after approximately 5-7 days the patient is able to be up and about; moving, walking, and sitting more comfortably. Full physical activities are usually permitted after 20 days after surgery. It is important to take the medication prescribed to you by your doctor. Someone will need to drive you home, and you may need assistance at home over the next couple of days. Expect to be in bed for the next 24 hours following surgery.
Q-45 What is the recommended age for buttock implant or Brazilian butt lift?
A- Anyone over 18.
Q- 46 What is the average time of buttock implant surgery?
A- The average surgery in most patients goes smooth and usually takes from 1-2 hours.
Q- 47 How long do I have to stay in the hospital after the procedure (buttock implant) is done?
A- It is better recommended for a patient to remain up to 24H under medical surveillance; however some choose to go home even in the same day considering 98% of surgeries have no complication at all.
Q- 48 How much pain is there?
A- Buttock augmentation stretches the tissues, and can be painful. This is especially true when the implants are placed under the muscle. The pain is greatest within the first 48 hours, but improves with each day and is somewhat relieved by pain medications. In spite of the initial discomfort, most women report that they are very satisfied with the results of the surgery.
When you wake up you will feel tired, sore, and stiff. It is important to take the medication prescribed to you by your doctor. Your surgeon may prescribe an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory medication to be taken after your buttock implant surgery. It is a good idea to have these prescriptions filled beforehand.
Q- 49 What about scars on buttock implant procedures? How am I going to handle the scars?
A- Your concerns with scars will be minimum; they are almost imperceptible because the scar is located between the buttocks.
Q- 50 I still need more clarification on the differences between buttock augmentation with implants Vs. fat injection?
A- If you are considering undergo any of these procedures you must know what they are really about. Buttock augmentation with implants uses silicone implant which is inserted under each buttock muscle. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and usually takes about two hours. With buttock enhancement by fat injection, gentle liposuction is used to remove fat cells from donor sites, such as the thighs, abdomen, back or hips. The removed cells are then injected into the buttocks. This procedure provides for a body sculpting effect by reducing fat in areas where it is unwanted.
A- If you are considering undergo any of these procedures you must know what they are really about. Buttock augmentation with implants uses silicone implant which is inserted under each buttock muscle. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and usually takes about two hours. With buttock enhancement by fat injection, gentle liposuction is used to remove fat cells from donor sites, such as the thighs, abdomen, back or hips. The removed cells are then injected into the buttocks. This procedure provides for a body sculpting effect by reducing fat in areas where it is unwanted.
Anderson Silver
1 comment:
do you know a good doctor in colombia and also how much will an average Brazilian Butt Lift cost? How often do I have to return to the surgeon for him to inject more fat? How many procedures? and can I lose the fat injected on the butt if I were to exercize or is it permanantly there?
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